9 alarming warning signs of swollen feet you should never ignore

9 alarming warning signs of swollen feet you should never ignore

Swollen feet are often associated with pregnancy, injury, or prolonged standing, yet not all instances are linked to these factors. Numerous other causes can underlie swollen feet, and while many cases are non-serious and can be alleviated through rest or cold water soaks, sudden swelling might indicate an underlying problem necessitating medical attention.

Various factors can contribute to swollen feet:

Causes of swollen feet

Deep vein thrombosis

This condition arises when a blood clot forms in the deep veins, commonly in the legs. The Mayo Clinic notes symptoms such as leg swelling, heaviness, and more prominent veins. DVT poses a risk of pulmonary embolism, a lung blood flow blockage.
Achilles Tendonitis

As the body's strongest tendon, the Achilles tendon can experience strain from daily use. Achilles tendonitis can lead to ankle and heel swelling, particularly after physical activity.


The prevalent type of arthritis, osteoarthritis can induce foot pain, stiffness, and swelling. Activities like yoga might help alleviate the discomfort.
Heart Failure

The American Heart Association says that heart failure can show in subtle ways, one of which is having swollen feet. This happens because the heart is not working properly and fluid builds up, called edema, causing the legs, feet, or ankles to swell.

The Mayo Clinic explains that lymphedema makes the extra lymphatic fluid build up in your arm or leg, making it swollen. If the swelling happens quickly or hurts a lot, you should go to a doctor or a hospital right away.

There are different ideas about the reason for cellulitis, but it is likely due to poor blood flow in the lymphatic system.

Cellulitis can occur on any part of the body, but it usually affects the legs below the knee and makes the skin swollen and hot to the touch.

The National Institute of Arthritis explains that gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by having too much uric acid in the body. This type of arthritis is very painful and often comes on suddenly, especially at night. The big toe’s inner joints can become swollen, red, and tender quickly. If you have severe pain or if this is the first time you are experiencing this, it is important to see a doctor right away.

Foot Bursitis

Bursitis can cause redness, stiffness, and pain, often affecting the feet and appearing in the small fluid-filled sacs protecting bones, muscles, and tendons
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Often starting in the feet, this condition can manifest in swollen, painful joints and severe swelling, sometimes accompanied by nodules beneath the skin.

If foot swelling raises concerns about a potential health issue, consulting a medical professional is essential. Your thoughts on this article are valuable; feel free to share them in the comment section. Spread this crucial information among friends and family to raise awareness.

Source: https://www.awesomequotes4u.com

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