Easily Growing Roses from Cuttings with a Banana: A Simple Guide

Embarking on the journey of growing roses from cuttings is both a cost-effective and satisfying way to enrich your garden. Surprisingly, a banana can be a secret ingredient in this process, leveraging its rich potassium content, beneficial bacteria, and natural sugars to foster root growth and overall plant vitality. This article will walk you through the steps of effortlessly cultivating roses from cuttings using a banana.

Selecting the Cutting

The first crucial step in successfully growing roses from cuttings is selecting an appropriate stem. Optimal timing for this is during early spring or late fall, when the rose is not in full bloom. Identify a robust, disease-free rose bush and snip a stem measuring around 6-9 inches. This stem should possess at least three sets of leaves and be cut at a precise 45-degree angle using sharp, clean pruners. Remove the leaves from the lower portion of the cutting.

Preparing the Banana

The next requirement is a ripe banana. The banana acts as a natural rooting hormone, primarily due to its high potassium concentration, which facilitates root development. Simply peel the banana and mash it into a smooth puree.

Inserting the Cutting

Create a cavity in the banana puree, large enough to accommodate the end of the rose cutting. The objective is to coat the freshly cut end with the banana puree. Following this, submerge the cut end of the rose cutting in a jar of water, ensuring the top end is enveloped by a plastic bag. This ingenious setup acts as a mini greenhouse, preserving humidity and nurturing root growth. Place the jar in a warm, well-lit area, away from direct sunlight.

Planting the Cutting

Once the cutting has successfully developed roots (a process spanning 2-6 weeks), it’s time to transplant it into a pot. Employ a well-draining potting mix, often a blend of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and garden soil. Create a hole in the soil using a pencil and gently introduce the cutting, being cautious not to harm the nascent roots. The hole’s depth should encompass the rooted segment along with an additional two inches.


Water the cutting thoroughly post-transplanting, maintaining slightly moist soil without waterlogging. Excess water could lead to root rot. Position the cutting in a sunny spot, shielded from intense afternoon sun until it establishes well. After about four weeks, nourish the new rose plant with a rose-specific fertilizer, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Embracing a banana’s role in rose propagation may seem unconventional, yet it harnesses nature’s abundant resources in a sustainable and budget-friendly manner. This technique caters to gardening enthusiasts of all levels, from novices to the seasoned.

Venturing into the realm of growing roses from cuttings through a banana-assisted approach can be a gratifying gardening endeavor. With patience and attentive care, this method opens avenues for expanding your rose haven or initiating a fresh one from scratch. Remember, like any gardening venture, practice perfects the process. Each flourishing rose bush becomes a testament to your green thumb, and every bloom a testament to your dedication. So, grab your pruners, a ripe banana, and dive into the rewarding world of rose propagation.

Source: https://craftygoldenmom.com