Forget buying lemons. Grow your own lemon tree in a pot at home with ease

White on Rice Couple

Summer is a great time to enjoy the refreshing citrus flavor of lemon. Wouldn’t it be great to have your own tree that you can pick from whenever you like? Fortunately, lemon trees are among the easiest citrus fruits to grow in your yard. With a bit of planning and patience, you can be plucking your own lemons in a matter of months.

Ready to get your lemon tree started? Let’s begin! You should start with a seed from an organic lemon because non-organic lemons generally have non-germinating seeds which mean your seed will never sprout. You will also need a seedling pot, planting pot, and fertile soil. Make sure that you have an indoor, but sunny space and a bit of plastic. Now you are all set to start planting!

Read more for a step-by-step guide on growing a lemon tree:

Step 1: Prepare the SoilLemons thrive in consistently moist soil, so it's essential to hydrate the soil before planting. Add water to the soil until it's damp to the touch, but avoid making it overly wet. The goal is moist, not soupy.

Step 2: Fill the PotFill your chosen pot with the dampened soil, ensuring you leave about an inch of space at the top.

Step 3: Choose Your SeedSelect a healthy-looking seed from the lemon, making sure it doesn't dry out. The article suggests placing the seed in your mouth temporarily to keep it moist and safe.

Step 4: Plant the SeedPlant the seed about half an inch below the soil surface. After planting, thoroughly water the soil.

Step 5: Cover the PotLemon seeds require warmth and sunlight to sprout. Cover the pot with breathable plastic to protect the seed from cooler temperatures. While using the plastic, ensure the soil remains adequately moist. However, be cautious not to overheat the plant or create excessive moisture, which could lead to root rot. Adjust the covering as needed.

Step 6: Seedlings EmergeAround two weeks later, small sprouts will begin to emerge from the soil. If you're still using plastic covering, refrain from removing it permanently. Ensure the emerging lemon tree receives plenty of sunlight and stays warm.

Tips for Beginners:Lemon trees are wonderful additions to your home, but a few guidelines will enhance their chances of thriving.

  1. Outdoor ExposureExpose your growing lemon tree to outdoor conditions during part of the day. This promotes fruit-bearing and encourages pollination by bees.
  2. Consider Your LocationWhile lemons enjoy warmth, take care not to subject your tree to excessively hot conditions. In very warm areas, avoid prolonged direct sunlight, which could be overwhelming.
  3. Temperature MaintenanceMaintain temperatures around 70°F during the day and no lower than 55°F at night for optimal lemon growth. The plant may enter a dormant phase and cease fruit production if exposed to temperatures below 54°F.

With these steps and tips, you're well-equipped to embark on your lemon tree cultivation journey. Share this knowledge with friends to inspire them to nurture their own lemon trees!
