Men’s heart melts when they hear these phrases from their woman they love

Guys are just like us in that they have words that they like to hear, and, unfortunately, they don’t always get them that often. In this context, there are some compliments, comments, strings of conversations, and even verbalized observations that a woman can say to her man as well.

Here are a few selections that women can express to her man when on a date or in a serious relationship. In fact, you can mention these to your beau every day to make him feel loved and special.

1. “I’m So Lucky To Have You”

Letting your guy know that you feel lucky to have him makes him feel noticed and appreciated. You’re not just happy that he’s around and always lets you take the last slice of pizza – you genuinely feel lucky that, of all the people in the world, you two found each other. It’ll give him the warm and fuzzies real quick!

2. “You are handsome”

When verbalizing that your man looks handsome, you will give him a great feeling. Nothing makes it more meaningful to hear that than from the lady he loves. The appreciation and respect should be very much there. The sparks must be alive even after the “get to know” stage as well.

It is quite obvious that physical attraction exists between a man and a woman who have been dating for a while or in a relationship. So, even if it’s been quite some time, it is common for women wanting to hear that they are pleasing to the eye. Trust me, your man too wants to hear that too. Tell him that you still feel the same attraction towards him like how you felt the first time you saw him. The feeling that arises in him resonates with what you feel when he tells you that his heart still starts beating faster when he sees you in your tight little black dress, just like the first time!

3. “I’m So Proud Of You”

Maybe he’s been feeling stressed out by work, school, or other obligations and is trying his best but feels like he’s barely getting by. Giving him the reassurance he needs that he’s not only doing well, but making you proud in the process will have him grinning from ear to ear.

We all get to the point where we just feel like giving up if something is giving us a hard time, and so letting your man know that you’re supportive of his endeavors and think he’s already achieved some success simply by trying is the extra push he needs to finish things. Making him feel validated in his pursuits and letting him know you’re proud is like a shot of undiluted positivity.

4. “You make me happy”

When you tell your man that it is he who makes you the happiest, it will make him feel wanted, respected and loved. Make sure he realizes that you know that all that he does for you is to make you happy.

5. “You’re A Great Man/Husband/ Boyfriend/Father”

Whatever your situation is with your current man, every guy likes to hear that he’s a great man (or father/husband/boyfriend/fiancé). In a lot of cases, these distinctions can require some sacrifice. Whether it be time, money, effort, whatever, being in a partnership requires work, there’s no way around it. Letting your guy know that he’s not only a great person but a great man, or that he’s a great father or husband reinforces the idea that whatever sacrifices he’s made in the past, they were all worth it, because what you have – as a couple or as a family – makes it so. Reinforcing this idea will reignite his desire to keep pushing forward through the tough parts that naturally occur when you’re married or raising a family together, and so it will definitely make him smile to know that you notice, appreciate, and love him for it all.

6. “I’m On Your Side.”

When the going gets tough, we want to know that someone is in our corner and supporting, encouraging, and standing by us. It’s a good feeling, and one that should be shared, so telling your man that you’re on his side is a must-do if you want to make him feel good.

Loyalty is an important attribute to any strong relationship and telling him that you’re on his side in a stressful situation and that you have his back goes a long way to increase the amount of security and overall intimacy the two of you feel with one another. It takes a bit of pressure off of him to know that he’s got you backing him up, even when it feels like the rest of the world is against him.
