Story ‣ She Is The Love Of My Life

At 85 years old, he adamantly clasps his wife's hand wherever they venture. Inquiring about his wife's diverted gaze, his response held the weight of a heartrending truth: "She's battling Alzheimer's." Curiosity led to another question: "Doesn't she worry when you release her hand?" His answer unfurled, "Her memory is but a haze; she doesn't recall who I am, hasn't recognized me in years."

Taken aback, I pressed on, "Yet, day by day, you steadfastly guide her, even though her recognition falters?" An earnest smile graced the elderly man's visage as his gaze met mine. "True, she may not grasp my identity, but I am acutely aware of hers, and she remains the love of my life," he shared, his voice echoing the unshakable bond they shared. 💞